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Branded Greaseproof Paper vs Unbranded – Which Wins?

By Alysse Phily · 3. July 2024

Are you weighing the benefits of branded greaseproof paper versus unbranded?

This guide breaks down the trade-offs and advantages each choice offers for your business, providing the insights you need without pushing a product.

Choosing the right type of greaseproof paper can significantly impact your business’s branding strategy and operational efficiency.

Branded greaseproof paper offers a unique opportunity to enhance your brand’s visibility and create a memorable customer experience.

It allows you to customise the packaging with your logo, colours, and designs, making each meal served a part of your brand’s story.

This can lead to increased customer engagement, loyalty, and word-of-mouth promotion, as customers are more likely to remember and talk about a visually appealing and unique presentation.

Ultimately, the choice between branded and unbranded greaseproof paper depends on your business goals, budget, and the importance you place on branding and customer experience.

Both options have their own set of advantages, and this guide aims to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs.

Key Takeaways

  • 🛠️ Custom greaseproof paper is a strategic branding tool that enhances brand visibility and customer experience through personalised and memorable packaging.
  • 💰 Unbranded greaseproof paper is cost-effective and versatile, but lacks the brand reinforcement and customer engagement benefits offered by custom printed options.
  • 🌱 Both branded and unbranded greaseproof papers meet functional demands of food service and are moving towards environmentally sustainable practices, reflecting consumer values.

The Branding Impact: Why Choose Custom Greaseproof Paper

© Limepack branded greaseproof paper © Limepack branded greaseproof paper

Custom printed greaseproof paper with colourful branding serves as a unique canvas for your culinary artistry, setting your brand apart. It’s not just about protecting food from grease; it’s a deliberate branding powerhouse.

Embracing such a bespoke packaging solution enhances brand visibility and ensures that each meal served is wrapped in a memorable experience.

Imagine a customer unravelling their sandwich, only to be greeted by:

  • 🎨 A vibrant, bespoke artwork design that captivates their attention with its unique colour
  • 🌟 A distinctive pattern or logo that represents your brand
  • 👀 An eye-catching illustration or message that leaves a lasting impression

This personalised touch not only adds value to your product but also creates a positive association with your brand.

It lingers in their mind long after the meal is enjoyed, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

Custom greaseproof paper’s versatility extends beyond visual appeal. With the ability to select from a spectrum of Pantone or CMYK colours, businesses can create a piece of branded greaseproof paper that not only stands out but also perfectly aligns with their branding strategy.

This level of customisation enables a brand to resonate with customers in a way that unbranded options simply cannot match.

Opting for branded greaseproof paper is like outfitting your products in bespoke attire. It’s a strategic move that speaks volumes about your brand’s attention to detail and commitment to delivering not just a meal, but an experience.

It’s an investment in your brand’s narrative that can turn a simple takeaway into a shareable, Instagram-worthy moment 📸.

Unbranded Greaseproof Paper: A Neutral Choice

Unbranded greaseproof paper, similar to a classic white tee, is versatile, economical, and efficient.

Without the need for ink cartridges, which change under the heat to display text, businesses can save on costs while still serving up everything from fries to cakes with confidence.

This choice lends itself to a variety of food items, providing a blank slate that’s perfect for any culinary creation.

However, while the neutrality of unbranded paper serves a functional purpose, it may miss the mark when it comes to nurturing brand awareness and loyalty.

By forgoing the personalised touch of printed greaseproof paper, businesses might be passing up the chance to reinforce their brand in the minds of their customers.

It’s an opportunity cost that’s worth weighing, especially in an industry where every detail can contribute to the overall brand experience.

Fundamentally, unbranded greaseproof paper also perfectly serves as a wrap for sandwiches, a liner for cookie trays, or a server for hot pizza slices.

It’s a reliable background player that doesn’t distract from the food itself. Yet, for those looking to make a lasting impression and foster a connection with their customers, the neutrality of unbranded paper might just be too silent.

Comparing Quality and Functionality

In terms of functionality, both branded and unbranded greaseproof paper options offer a plethora of uses. They are rigorously tested for temperature resistance, ensuring that they can go from freezer to oven without skipping a beat.

This level of reliability is crucial for businesses that demand a packaging solution that can withstand the heat, literally, and is microwave safe.

Branded greaseproof paper, however, offers a medium level of grease resistance, striking a balance that’s suitable for a plethora of commonly served food items.

While it excels in presentation and branding, it may require a thoughtful review when it comes to serving foods with a higher grease content.

This is where the practical considerations of functionality and design come together, prompting businesses to weigh the pros and cons based on their unique service requirements.

Customisation Options Beyond Branding

biodegradable recyclable food box and greaseproof paper biodegradable recyclable food box and greaseproof paper

Custom greaseproof paper goes beyond merely affixing a logo onto a sheet; it’s about crafting a unique packaging experience that mirrors the distinctiveness of the food it carries.

With the ability to craft bespoke greaseproof paper in various sizes and shapes, this packaging option can snugly fit sandwiches, wrap burgers with elegance, or line a basket of fries with style.

The available range of sizes and custom cuts means that you can tailor your packaging to meet your specific needs, whether that’s a petite wrap for a gourmet cheese selection or a larger sheet for a family-sized pizza.

Moreover, the personalisation of greaseproof paper extends to the sheet sizes themselves, offering endless possibilities for food presentation.

This flexibility allows for wrapping and plating that not only protect the food but also showcase it in a way that elevates the entire dining experience.

It’s this level of customisation that enables businesses to step forward with a packaging choice that complements their culinary offerings and reinforces their brand story.

Pricing Analysis: Branded vs Unbranded

Despite its perceived luxuriousness, custom greaseproof paper is actually super affordable. We can offer various sizes and offer quantities as low as 1000 pieces, allowing even smaller venues to dip their toes into the branding pool.

Starting your custom branding journey is that simple: the low minimum order quantity opens the door to extensive brand promotion opportunities.

On the other side of the coin, eco-conscious businesses can opt for unprinted greaseproof sheets.

These options serve as a testament to the cost-effectiveness of unbranded greaseproof paper, providing a baseline for businesses to compare when considering the leap to branded solutions.

However, obtaining an accurate quote for custom printed greaseproof paper involves considering several factors.

The size of the sheets, the complexity of the design, and the quantity desired all contribute to the final price.

Please feel free to contact our experts now to talk about your needs and find the perfectly tailored option for you!

This approach ensures precise budgeting, allowing you to align your packaging costs with your branding goals.

Maximising Customer Engagement with Branded Packaging

© Limepack Greaseproof Paper © Limepack Branded Greaseproof Paper

Venturing into branded greaseproof paper transcends aesthetics; it’s about forging a connection with your customers.

Consistently using branded paper across all dishes and takeout orders can turn a simple meal into an extension of your restaurant’s identity.

This constant visual cue serves to reinforce your brand, making it more recognisable and memorable with each interaction.

Customised packaging not only holds food but also engages customers, sparking valuable word-of-mouth promotion. It’s a visual treat that can boost repeat business.

By presenting food in a professional manner with customised greaseproof paper, restaurants can add a sophisticated touch that strengthens the overall brand perception.

Additionally, beyond aesthetics, custom branded greaseproof paper serves a practical purpose by maintaining the quality and freshness of food.

It resists grease and moisture effectively, providing a hygienic serving solution. This dual functionality ensures that the food not only looks good but remains safe and delicious from kitchen to customer.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

With rising environmental consciousness among consumers, the call for eco-friendly packaging solutions has reached an unprecedented level.

Greaseproof paper, whether branded or unbranded, has made strides to meet these expectations by being biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable.

This eco-friendly nature is crucial for businesses that not only want to serve their food responsibly but also align with their customers’ values.

Compostable greaseproof paper, for instance, can degrade under the right conditions within three to six months, contributing to a reduced environmental footprint.

This is especially important for businesses aiming for a greener behaviour and image, as they often prefer recyclable or compostable paper options that forego non-recyclable coatings.

Similarly, custom printed options emphasise their eco-friendly attributes, with production processes designed to ensure low CO2 emissions, particularly during UK-based transportation.


In the end, the choice between branded and unbranded greaseproof paper is more than a matter of cost; it’s a strategic decision that can significantly influence customer perception and engagement.

While unbranded options offer simplicity and versatility, branded alternatives provide a unique opportunity to enhance brand visibility and create memorable dining experiences.

Moreover, with sustainability at the forefront of consumer minds, both options present an environmentally responsible choice, ensuring that you can serve up your goods with both style and conscience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is custom printed greaseproof paper only suitable for large businesses with big budgets?

No, custom printed greaseproof paper is available in quantities as low as 1000 pieces, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. It isn’t exclusive to large businesses with hefty budgets. Contact us now to get your personalised quote!

Can branded greaseproof paper still be considered eco-friendly?

Yes, branded greaseproof paper is considered eco-friendly because the paper itself and the ink used are biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable.

Does using branded greaseproof paper actually increase customer engagement?

Yes, using branded greaseproof paper can increase customer engagement by creating a visually appealing presentation that encourages sharing and repeat business. This can significantly boost your engagement with customers.

Are there any limitations to the customisation of greaseproof paper?

Customisation of greaseproof paper is vast, but knows some limits. If your design is particularly complex or if the colours you use are very dark, it might be harder to bring your idea to life. You can write or call us anytime to talk about the feasibility of your project, we will be happy to help.

How does the price of custom printed greaseproof paper compare to unbranded options?

Custom printed greaseproof paper may have a higher upfront cost compared to unbranded options due to factors like design, size, and quantity. However, the branding adds long-term value in terms of customer loyalty and brand recognition.

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