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A Guide to Build an Instagrammable Restaurant

By Anttoni Taimela · 31. January 2024

Searching for the secret sauce to an instagrammable restaurant? Look no further.

This concise guide unlocks the essentials: decor, lighting, and dish presentation that promise Instagram📱 allure.

Understand what magnetizes Instagrammers to a restaurant – and how you can harness these elements for your own venue.

Key Takeaways

  • Deck your dining hall like a Broadway set – snazzy decor, dramatic lighting, and culinary drama will turn your eatery into hashtag heaven.
  • Insta-fame isn’t just for the ‘Gram – it turns your restaurant into the city’s backdrop, magnetizes the foodie crowd, and rings up the cash register.
  • Nail the photo-finesse with masterful composition, symmetry, and flaunt the unique charm of your restaurant to turn ‘likes’ into ‘bites’.

The Execution

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Setting up an Instagrammable restaurant resembles preparing a stage for a grand theatrical production.

Your decor is the scenery, setting the tone and creating a visually appealing backdrop.

Go for attention-grabbing elements and imaginative wall art, perhaps a mural inspired by a local artist or an oversized vintage poster.

Don’t shy away from incorporating your branding elements into the decor for that extra personal touch.

Now, if decor is the scenery, then good lighting is your spotlight. Proper illumination enhances the overall ambiance of your restaurant and the appeal of your food, making it more attractive and photogenic.

Think of it as the perfect filter for your restaurant, making everything look irresistible for Instagram posts.

Speaking of food, your dishes are the stars of the show. Offering unique dishes with inventive presentation draws customers, food bloggers, and street food vendors to capture snaps for Instagram.

Remember, presentation is key, and a little extra oomph can go a long way in adding to your restaurant’s visual appeal.

Creating an Instagrammable restaurant extends beyond the physical space and food; it also involves engaging your online audience effectively. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  • Be active on your Instagram account
  • Respond to comments in a charming way
  • Share user-generated content
  • Maintain a cohesive aesthetic throughout your Instagram profile

It’s like the cherry on top that ties everything together and keeps your audience coming back for more.

Thus, building Instagram worthy restaurants entails:

And remember, you’re not just creating a dining space in Covent Garden, you’re telling a story with marble tables, a story that your customers will want to share and be a part of.

Advantages of an Instagrammable Restaurant

While aesthetics are a crucial aspect of an Instagrammable restaurant, it also offers tangible benefits for your business.

For instance, when customers tag your restaurant in their posts or use the right hashtags, it increases your online visibility, making you the talk of the town on Instagram.

Imagine your restaurant being the backdrop of countless selfies and food photos, showing up in the Instagram feeds of potential customers👥 all around the city.

Beyond this, Instagram, as part of social media, serves as a potent marketing tool for attracting Instagram users.

It’s like having a free, easy-to-use platform that can attract more customers and make your restaurant easier to find.

And let’s face it, people love to show off their foodie adventures online, so why not let them give your restaurant some serious street cred?

However, the advantages don’t end there.

Having a strong presence on Instagram can lead to partnerships with influencers and food bloggers, who can bring in their own followers and introduce your restaurant to a wider audience.

You might even catch the eye of an award-winning British Nigerian artist who decides to hold their next exhibition at your venue, drawing in a huge amount of new customers.

Additionally, the hype generated on Instagram can contribute to a higher revenue stream for your restaurant.

Because let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to dine at a place with twinkling fairy lights, stunning views of the Tower Bridge, and an Instagram feed full of delicious food photos?

And the best part is, once people have visited your restaurant, like the ivy chelsea garden or the trendy spots in Notting Hill, they are more likely to come back for more, turning them from one-time customers into loyal fans.

In essence, an Instagrammable restaurant:

  • Enhances your online presence through instagrammable restaurants
  • Draws more customers
  • Creates partnership opportunities
  • Increases your revenue

So, not only does it make your restaurant look good, but it also makes good business sense.

Tips for Taking Pictures That Pop: Enhancing Your Instagram Profile

social media food

Armed with knowledge on creating an Instagrammable restaurant and its benefits, let’s explore tips to enhance your Instagram profile.

After all, a picture🖼️ is worth a thousand words, and on Instagram, a picture can be worth a thousand likes (or more!).

When it comes to taking Instagram pics for your profile, there are a few key principles to keep in mind: composition and symmetry, and utilizing your restaurant’s unique features.

The former focuses on how to arrange your food and props to create an appealing image, while the latter is about leveraging the elements of your restaurant to enhance your photos.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s dig a bit deeper into these topics.

Composition and Symmetry in Food Photography

food food

In food photography, composition and symmetry function as secret ingredients that transform a decent photo into an outstanding one.

They add a visually striking mirror effect that pulls the viewer’s attention directly to the subject, creating a balanced and aesthetically appealing image for your Instagram feed.

However, composition and symmetry extend beyond simply arranging your food methodically.

They’re also about using props, ingredients, and nifty techniques like the rule of thirds to create those eye-catching, perfectly balanced images.

And let’s not forget about the backgrounds. Choosing the right background can make your dishes stand out and steal the show.

Opt for plain or neutral backgrounds like white, grey, or beige to keep the focus on the food.

Essentially, composition and symmetry in food photography revolve around achieving the right equilibrium among photo elements to fashion visually satisfying images.

It’s about making your food jump off the screen and into your viewers’ bellies, making them want to visit your restaurant for a taste.

Utilizing Restaurant Features

restaurant interior restaurant interior

While composition and symmetry focus on food, leveraging restaurant features aims to highlight the entire dining experience.

After all, an Instagrammable restaurant is not just about the food, but also about:

  • the ambiance
  • the decor
  • the lighting
  • all the unique features that make your restaurant special

Distinctive furniture, for example, can add a unique appeal to your photos, enhancing your restaurant’s presence on Instagram.

Natural light can make your food photos shine, while a softbox can add that extra touch of perfection.

But it’s not just about the big features. Even the small details can make a big difference.

Some examples of small details that can add flair to your photos and capture the essence of your restaurant are:

  • The color schemes
  • The angles and compositions
  • The props and backgrounds
  • The feature walls or stunning decor
  • The branded menus and signage
  • The vintage or styled furniture

Consider paying attention to these details to enhance the overall aesthetic of your restaurant photos.

Ultimately, leveraging restaurant features in your Instagram photos is aimed at highlighting the unique allure and persona of your restaurant.

It’s about telling the story of your restaurant through your photos, making your audience feel like they’re part of the experience.


We’ve learned how to create an Instagrammable restaurant, explored the benefits it can bring, and discovered tips on taking pictures that pop.

We’ve dived into the art of food photography, learned how to utilize restaurant features, and hopefully had a few laughs along the way.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go grab that champagne button, whip up some unique dishes, and start snapping pictures.

And remember, it’s not just about the likes and shares, it’s about creating an unforgettable dining experience that your customers will want to share with the world.

Now go out there and make your restaurant the star of the Instagram show!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I advertise my restaurant on Instagram?

To advertise your restaurant on Instagram, encourage customers to follow your account, engage with and reward followers, use relevant hashtags, post attractive food photos, integrate your branding, team up with influencers, use video and live video, and create story highlights.

Get ready to have your restaurant’s Instagram presence shine!

Is Instagram good for restaurants?

Absolutely! Instagram can greatly increase your restaurant’s visibility and attract new customers, with nearly half of diners trying a restaurant after seeing it on social media.

So, it’s definitely worth considering.

How do restaurants increase reach on Instagram?

Restaurants can increase their reach on Instagram by encouraging customers to follow their account, engaging with followers, using relevant hashtags, posting attractive food photos, and teaming up with influencers.

So get snapping and engaging! No time like the present.

How do I make my restaurant Instagram-worthy?

To make your restaurant Instagram-worthy, focus on creating a visually appealing decor, serve unique dishes with creative plating, use good lighting, and engage with your audience online.

Make your place a feast for the eyes and the taste buds!

Any tips on taking Instagram-worthy food photos?

Make sure to focus on composition and symmetry, use the restaurant’s unique features, and select appealing backgrounds to capture Instagram-worthy food photos.

Happy snapping!

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